Admission: 2024-25


Principal's Message

Welcome to HSBM Jain Girls Inter College , a premier institution of the area and one of the largest Vidyalaya of Vikasnagar, Dehradun. It has been assiduously catering to the educational needs of the children with dedication, devotion, zeal, earnestness, sincerity, responsibility, efficiency and accountability ever since its inception.
I joined the vidyalaya with the vision, dream and idea to achieve excellence in all aspects under the dynamic and progressive guidance, direction and leadership of School Management authorities.
According to Mahatma Gandhi “By education I mean an all-round drawing out of the best in child and man-body, mind and spirit.” It is therefore becomes all the more important that education should be given the foremost attention so that it can form character, increase strength of mind, expand the intellect by which the pupils can stand on their own feet. Only then they can be in a position to burn the mid night oil to come up to the expectations of modern and rapidly developing India.

I am confident that I will be able to infuse new enthusiasm and intensity in the students and teachers to enhance and heighten their ability, intelligence, talent, aptitude and innate qualities and approach to subject matter, efficiency and proficiency so that HSBM Jain Girls Inter College can touch those heights as never touched before.